Monday, December 31, 2007

Bethany Update...a Matter of Prayer

Yes, she is still undergoing chemotherapy every three weeks and is also taking a chemo pill every day. No severe reactions to either, of which we are eternally grateful. Her hair is coming in nicely and she is great at styling and making the best of it. As you know, she is always making the best of it!! Her faithwalk with the Lord is amazing. She is so much FUN.

The day after Christmas she was supposed to start her PMBR Class (the multi-state bar review) but the Moffitt Cancer Center scheduled her for a mammogram. We went straight from Georgia again to Moffitt. Because a lump was found in her other breast, the doctor came in to talk to us and she also had an ultrasound and then (after receiving an IV) had an MRI. We should know that results of the MRI in a few days. Please pray that no cancer will be found.

Would you please also pray for Joey and his family? They are trying to self-diagnos themselves which is scary enough. Joey thinks he has strep throat and perhaps Scarlet Fever, typhoid, or some other South Asian malady. Christy seems to be getting the same as Joey yet is a couple of days behind. Pray for Baby Claire. She is not herself. They fly to Thailand in a few days for a conference and to see a Doctor for Claire's shots, so they all obviously will need some attention. Please pray for them in the meantime. They are all exhausted so were susceptable.

Thank you for caring and praying. As Joey said when he heard about Bethany, "Where else can we go except to God?"

1 comment:

Deanna said...

Hey Allen family! Hello from Jeff and Deanna Davis. We are currently with the IMB doing university ministry in Jena Germany. We've kept up with you guys through the Jansens and the Lyons, but it was great to see some photos and read some stories. Congrats on a beautiful grandbaby! Congrats to Joey on marriage, parenthood and making it to south asia! Congrats to Bethany for her job and making it through law school and cancer! And congrats to you for holding it all together! We have a blog too where we are chronicling all our overseas adventures! Take care...